Facebook For Advisers

Did you know that on average, advisors who use Facebook outperformed advisors concentrating on all other social networks — including LinkedIn. 83% of advisors using Facebook gained new clients in comparison to only a 56% gain for advisors using LinkedIn (AvisorTechTips.com). With 900 million registered users, Facebook is a platform that you can’t ignore.
With little time and effort, Facebook could be the marketing boost you’ve been looking for. Facebook is a great opportunity to build your brand, distribute content, and build customer loyalty initiatives. Don’t be afraid to show some personality. Here are 3 simple steps to building your Facebook presence:
Differentiate Your Brand – Let people know how you are different from other advisors in the area. What are your strengths? Is it your approach? Or you service? This is a perfect place for you to showcase Leap and how it differentiates you from other advisors. Highlight that you give people a holistic view of their finances.
Come Up with a Plan – Come up with a strategy that works for you. On average, people post 21 days a month. Start with at least 3 days a week and move up from there. Creating consistency is key. Evenings are the best times to post and you’ll get the most engagement. Take a few hours on a day that you know you won’t be busy to schedule for posts for the week or even the month. This way you won’t have to worry about making Facebook a daily chore. Think about setting a monthly theme to make pulling content easier.
Engage – One of the biggest reasons advisors use Facebook is to monitor major life events. This is such a great way to keep tabs on what your clients are experiencing, and to send them reminders that maybes it’s time for a meeting. A big part of your financial business requires you to build relationships, and what better place to do that than Facebook.
Be sure you are educating your clients with your content. The goal is to increase your engagement and build long-term connections. By following these easy steps you’ll be armed with the ability to convert your Facebook followers into clients.